A monochrome portrait phone of Natasha Bray sitting on a bench, Natasha is holding a notebook and pen

Change your world and the world through healing hearts...

HeartHealing®: Your missing link to Becoming a Sought-After Master Healer who Delivers Out-of-this-world Results Every Time

Hearthealing heart icon showing two 'H' letters surrounded by a heart and placed on a transparent background

A pioneering one-year ACCPH accredited certification + mastermind that equips you with the revolutionary HeartHealing methodology, self mastery, business tools, and unwavering confidence to facilitate the deepest, fastest, and safest transformation you + your clients will ever experience 

Become one of the next 100 HeartHealers

  • Stand out as a credible, industry-leading healer with a pioneering approach
  • Blend science + spirituality for maximum impact, results + sales
  • Complete confidence your clients will always experience phenomenal healing
  • Learn how to combine the modality with your unique gifts and wisdom
  • Out-of-this-world + long-lasting results in as little as one hour (every time!)
  • Heal yourself and your clients on a deeper level than ever before through the heart

When you can heal hearts, you can help people feel whole again and that's something the world needs more than ever right now

You have a deep, soul-tingling knowing that you were born to change the world. You haven’t always been certain of how, sometimes you’ve questioned why, but you’ve always known you’re here to create life-changing and legendary impact.

You desire to lead with love, you value integrity, and every day you make the decision to leave the world better than you found it.

The work you already do on yourself and others proves you have a valuable gift. And now you’re ready to own that gift on a whole new level and take the next step in your journey as a catalyst for revolutionary change.

Image of a testimonial from a HeartHealing Practitioner
Image of a testimonial from a HeartHealing Practitioner
Image of a testimonial from a HeartHealing Practitioner

You want to help heal the world in the deepest, fastest, and safest way possible. And you want to be extraordinarily well rewarded for it.

You know it’s possible… but *something* is missing. And you haven’t found it in the many mind-focused books, courses, programs, and certifications on the market. 

You sound like most of my clients! 

Let me assure you, you’ve found that missing link. This is the healing certification + mastermind that will change everything. For you, for your clients, and for everyone who knows you.


I’m Natasha Leigh Bray, MA. Multi Award Winning creator of HeartHealing, Master HeartHealer, Success Mastery Coach, founder of the School of Healing Mastery, and mum to 2 gorgeous boys, Jenson and Oscar. I studied psychology & behaviour change for 9 years, have a professional background in specialist social work and rapid intervention services, and have almost 2 decades experience transforming people’s hearts, minds, and businesses. 


I went from a single mum on minimum wage to a cash millionaire within 4 years, serving thousands of clients across 70 countries. Unheard of in the healing industry!

The reason is because my unique heart-focused methods get I-can’t-believe-that-just-happened results time and time again. And this is an invitation for you to become certified in those exact methods so you can also change the world by healing hearts.



Hearthealing logo in rose gold lettering placed next to a heart icon showing two H letters surrounded by a heart

According to quantum physics research, the heart has an energetic frequency thousands of times stronger than the mind

Mind-based methods absolutely have a place in healing. But they only go one level deep. The mind is only one piece of the healing equation. After working with thousands of clients I have seen that the true root is not the experience that wounds us. The true root is the relationships behind that experience and the emotions caused by that wound. 


That’s why the HEART is the key to what’s truly holding your or your client back from achieving and receiving what they want. Given that the heart has an energetic frequency thousands of times stronger than the mind, it makes complete sense that healing your heart creates exponentially more significant shifts than healing the mind alone. 


HeartHealing is a pioneering integrative healing approach combining scientific, spiritual, and energetic principals which result in deeper and faster shifts than mind-based techniques are able to offer. In HeartHealing, we use a very specific 7-stage healing process and work with 5 core Universal Wounds of the Heart that everyone experiences huge results from.


HeartHealing isn’t just a repackaged and rebranded version of an existing modality. It’s a truly innovative approach to healing born out of my extensive personal and professional experience of healing the heart. 


Although the certification process is incredibly in-depth (as it should be when working with subconscious minds and wounded hearts) the technique itself is beautifully simple to deliver. 


This modality literally goes straight to the heart of the issue, reveals hidden wounds the mind alone cannot uncover, and heals them significantly in ONE HOUR. 


When you can experience that level of healing for yourself and offer that kind of instant transformation to your clients, both your personal fulfilment and your business results will inevitably soar. 


❌No need to feel trapped in 1:1 work or undercharging on a “per session” basis

❌No waiting weeks, months or even years to see your client’s experience transformation so profound it may bring them to tears

❌No questioning whether you or your healing methods are “enough” or fearing if your client will get results or not

Here's what you can expect as a certified HeartHealer…

  • Healing your own heart and experiencing huge positive shifts in yourself, your relationships and your business
  • To feel WHOLE and receive more money, love, and inner peace into your world than you ever thought possible
  • Being an in-demand healer with the reputation of getting phenomenal results in short timelines
  • Your clients raving about you to everyone they meet (the easiest form of marketing there is!)
  • 100% confidence in your expertise and ability to deliver incredible results to all of your clients, no matter what you’re faced with in a session
  • Charging thousands for your healing gifts and having clients lining up to pay you without a second thought
  • Scaling your business to new revenue levels in ways that feel delicious and don’t require sacrifice (my clients and I are proof you really can have it all if you’re ready to claim it)
  • Feeling like you’re living in alignment with your true soul purpose and waking up every day grateful for the work you do and the people you get to do it with
  • To use your intuition and personal experiences within your healing (rather than only following a rigid script) and get better results because of it
  • Magnetise full-body-yes clients, sell with ease, and confidently charge for the true value and transformation you provide
A woman sitting at a desk wearing a blue shirt, the woman has curly short brown hair and is smiling at the camera

Whether you are a self healer, hidden healer or professional healer, the HeartHealing Mastery Certification has been designed with you in mind



You have a healing business and may already describe yourself as a healer of sorts. E.g. Energy healer, holistic healer, Reiki healer, Spiritual Healer. Whatever modalities you’re trained in, you’re incredibly competent and have many strings to your expert bow.  Despite this, you are still undercharging for your gifts and doubting you can deliver results every time. 


The problem? You feel like something is missing from the work you do with clients. Sure, they get results, but they’re not always truly life-changing or long-lasting. You know there’s a deeper level to go, but you’re struggling to find it in the tools you already have. You want to scale your income (and impact) without working more, and be highly sought-after because of your out-of-this-world client results.



You are in a career or business that involves working with others in a ‘healing’ capacity but you are hiding your healing gifts and interests behind professional titles, degrees and ‘evidence-based’ logical modalities and certainly wouldn’t call yourself a healer publicly. E.g. Dr, psychologist, social worker, therapist, hypnotherapist, counsellor, nurse or mindset coach. These are often professions you were drawn to to learn more about how to help heal and understand yourself. You often secretly using your healing gifts within your work with clients (you just don’t advertise it!). You feel a strong nudge to combine your professional expertise with the healing gifts you know would get even better, faster results with your clients and create unheard of results in your industry.


The problem? There are so many healing modalities you could train in! You want to choose one that you feel supremely confident in both selling and delivering, that helps position you as an irresistible all-in-one solution, gets your clients consistently better (faster!) results and maintains a high level of professional credibility. 



You’ve already done a significant amount of personal development work on yourself and recognise the power of healing. You have tried lots of different things and you may even have trained in some healing modalities, but to use on yourself rather than others. Your current career or business isn’t (directly) related to healing. E.g. teacher, artist, business coach, marketing mentor, consultant - but you are the one family, friends, colleagues naturally come to for advice and people feel better after being around you. You’re at the point where you feel pulled to use your healing gifts on others and earn great money from the transformations you facilitate. You’d love to turn your passion into a profession that fulfils you and earns great money doing something you love.


The problem? You don’t know how to turn these intuitive nudges into a successful healing business. You want to become a master healer and build a business with the potential to grow exponentially.

The first step to owning your true gifts is to own the identity of healer. This might feel completely natural… or it might take some time. (That was the case for me. I hid behind the label of “coach” before fully stepping into the magic of what I did as a healer.) 


The fact is, if you teach others, you’re a teacher. If you coach others, you’re a coach. If you heal others, you’re a healer. 

Whichever cqategory you fall into you...

  • Have a deep desire to become a sought-after master healer who is known for the profound + unrivalled results their clients experience every single time
  • Want your work to be so impactful it creates a revolutionary ripple effect which helps heal the world
  • Are ready to build or grow an industry-leading business around a cutting edge healing methodology unlike anything else that exists
  • Would love to learn how to market yourself in modern ways that feel light, joyful, exciting, and that actually work
  • Know you have the potential to become one of the greats, and charge accordingly — without sacrificing your time, energy, or inner peace

Ready to start your own revolutionary ripple effect?

Rose gold words design reading 'HeartHealing Mastery Certification'

Mastery Certification


Come closer… see the power of the HeartHealing certification + mastermind with the Healing Mastery Trifecta

Self Mastery Skill Mastery Business Mastery

SELF MASTERY: Unlock your biggest gifts by healing your own heart first


We live in a world of wounded healers. I believe the best way to heal others deeper is to heal ourselves deeper first (which is a forever journey — there are always more layers). That’s why Self Mastery is such an important piece of Healing Mastery, and why it’s integrated into the whole certification. 


I want you to experience the depth of HeartHealing and truly integrate the skill before you use it with your clients. That’s what will create the most profound transformation in you and in them. Inside the certification, you will heal your own key five Core Receiving Wounds of the Heart with me in group format, and your fellow trainees 1:1. We will unlock the 5 Healing Mastery Archetypes in you: The Confident Healer, The Empowered Healer, The Intuitive Healer, The Wealthy Healer and The Visible Healer so you can heal yourself and others on a deeper level.  


HeartHealing practitioners of previous cohorts have:

  • Repaired relationships with parents they were estranged from
  • Developed deeper connections with their children
  • Healed from adoption trauma and found forgiveness for being abandoned
  • Recovered from addictions
  • Received highest ever levels of money for their services (from thousands up to 7 figures)
  • Finally found inner peace and a deep sense of enoughness
  • Developed clarity and confidence in their work
  • Finally known how to heal others on the deepest level
  • Healed from imposter syndrome and self sabotage
  • And so much more

SKILL MASTERY: Become a masterful healer with unwavering confidence


HeartHealing has been developed and delivered by experienced therapists with a combined 35 years in mental health, therapy, and transformation services. We don’t just want you to learn the modality, we want you to master it. That takes months of practice and feedback. 


Accordingly, the certification has been set up to provide exceptional levels of support, so that when you deliver HeartHealing sessions to your own clients, you do so with unwavering confidence. 


Here’s how you’ll develop skill mastery:

  • In-depth training on the 7 different stages and 3 variations of HeartHealing so you can confidently and expertly deliver the therapy to your clients
  • Over 20 videos where you can watch me, the founder and Master HeartHealer delivering full HeartHealing sessions (absolute gold, and you won’t find these recordings ANYWHERE else!)
  • Scripts for the method until you feel confident to not need them (this is key, because part of our job is helping you unlock your practitioner intuition so you don’t need to rely on scripts)
  • My own Heart Imprint scripts from helping my clients create unheard of results — you can use and adapt these as you like
  • Understand exactly how to respond to and work with disclosures of abuse (including sexual and narcissistic)
  • Know how to implement safety plans and ensure safe practice
  • Mastermind on group calls about how to get your clients the best results whatever issue they’re facing, so you always feel supported in your practice

BUSINESS MASTERY: Market + sell your healing services with ease


Your business is in safe hands with me. I’m known for my results. Not only have I grown my own business to multi-7 figures, I’ve got a track record of helping to grow other 6, 7, and multi-7 figure businesses in the healing and coaching space. I don’t just teach you the full healing modality, I teach you how to market and sell it organically (no need to pay for ads!) and in a way that feels like an exhale to your soul. 


Here’s how we make developing a strong personal brand and growing your healing business a breeze:

  • Contracts done for you to protect you and your clients (simply swipe, personalise, and send)
  • Marketing assets and sales pages done for you (you just need to tweak so it feels aligned with your voice and package details) 
  • Masterclasses created for you based on your biggest skills gaps (you can also access the current business trainings library)
  • Marketing and sales support every month with our resident expert
  • Live Q&A support from me and course supervisor Kirsty Wick each month — you can ask us anything about your client practice or your business itself
  • Training on how to scale your business while working less by developing group courses using HeartHealing

What other healers & therapists are saying about HeartHealing®…

“The missing link to anything I have trained in before”

“Beautiful, loving & extremely powerful techniques”

“Clients let go in a way they haven’t with other modalities I have used”

“Clients are blown away by the power of it- the feedback is phenomenal.”

“The most profound thing ever experienced (despite years of therapy)”

“25 years of being a psychotherapist and I have never experienced or used anything as powerful as this.”

“It allows clients to realise hurt they did not even recognise they were carrying with them.”

“My client finally feels whole for the first time in her life. It has helped me give the best therapy I have ever done.”

“My client said HeartHealing® was more powerful than over 10 years of working with energy healers.”

What’s included when you choose to become one of the only certified HeartHealers in the world?

HeartHealing® Certification Level 1 and Level 2


You will be able to start earning money from selling level 1 within the first 12 weeks (96% of previous trainees have been able to do this), and level 2 within 7 months. During that time, you’ll integrate knowledge on working with different types of trauma, intergenerational healing, past lives, and spiritual experiences.


Self-paced online training portal


You’ll get access to a mix of training videos and workshops inside your own online portal to access anytime, anywhere. This includes hours of me demonstrating unique HeartHealing techniques for you to study, master, and then make your own. (This isn’t about making “mini-mes”.)


Group HeartHealing® therapy 


You’ll receive group HeartHealing from me, and will also be paired up with your fellow trainees to experience 5x 1:1 HeartHealing experiences throughout the duration of the mastermind for maximum personal healing and practice of the technique.


Weekly group mastermind + supervision calls 


These will be with me or my Lead HeartHealing Therapist, Kirsty, where we focus on your client sessions and maximising both your results and your client’s results. We also have regular guest experts who are top of their field in business or healing (or both!) to provide additional support.


Highly supportive Facebook group 


You will be part of a cohort-specific community of other trailblazing HeartHealers who want to use their gifts to make the world a better place. You can access the group anytime between calls for support on your business or clients. You’re never alone and there’s always an answer. 


5 months in our advanced Practitioners Academy


Once you’ve completed Level 2, you move into our Practitioners Academy for ongoing support and supervision. This provides tons of CPD hours and ensures you move towards mastery of the modality. 


Instant access to Mastermind Workshop Library


This already includes training on: Coaching Skills, Creating Packages, Pricing & Initial Promotion, Nail your Niche, Powerful Personal Branding, Audience Building, Content, Selling, PR, Expert Positioning, and Outsourcing. Whenever you have a skills gap you can plug into a training and keep taking inspired action.

Why *this* certification? It’s so much more than teaching you a revolutionary healing modality…

ACCPH Accredited + Endorsed Diploma Level 4 Certification 


This HeartHealing Certification has been awarded a Diploma Level 4 status, the equivalent to a foundation University degree! It is certified and endorsed by the ACCPH (Association of Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists). This level of certification means you can trust completely in the process and modality — and that you can provide a type of healing your clients can deeply trust in too. 


5 full detailed assessments with personalised feedback 


This is far more than going through training materials on a course platform and then being signed off without rigorous assessment. We watch multiple full therapy sessions during your year of certification, and give detailed feedback to you for each one so you excel in the method. If we feel you need additional support, we provide it until you pass. We only pass you once we’re confident that you’re confident to deliver deep, fast, safe transformation. You could say integrity is our love language. 


Unique blend of personal healing, healing certification and business mastermind


We don’t just train you in the healing method and then leave you to figure out how to build it into your business. We also teach you how to market and sell this revolutionary approach in a way that feels light, fun, and comfortable and provide literally everything you need to position yourself as an expert healer in your desired market who is excellently compensated for their gifts. The business support is invaluable whether you have run a business for years or are brand new to it. 


Client safety (and your confidence to provide it) is paramount 


The certification + mastermind is deliberately designed to be one-year long. We want you to feel fluent in both delivering and selling HeartHealing and that simply cannot happen in a few days or weeks. Client safety is incredibly important to us and we want you to be fully equipped and supremely confident to handle anything that comes up in healing sessions, or afterwards. We show you how to put all the necessary professional pieces in place and provide safeguarding training, which we believe should be mandatory when working with wounded hearts and subconscious minds. 


Scripts and promotion of intuitive practice within the modality 


While we provide detailed scripts to assist you in your training, we also encourage you to unlock your intuition as a healer and integrate that into your work. This is what can truly set you apart from literally every other healer. It’s not “just” being trained in a pioneering healing method, it’s the unique way you deliver it based on your individual personality, skills, experiences, and knowledge. This is where your results can start to speak for themselves and you establish yourself as a trusted leader in your niche. 


Unparalleled aftercare and ongoing support 


This isn’t a tickbox certification. And you’re never just left to be a practitioner alone. That would be an injustice to you and the world. We are known for providing the highest levels of client care, and this continues beyond the certification itself. There is an ongoing licence costing just £111 a month which enables you to remain supervised for continued safe practice and to receive important CPD, supervision and business support. 

And quite simply...you want the gold standard in healing certifications - one that will bring all of your other gifts and wisdom together into something revolutionary

Image of a testimonial from a HeartHealing Practitioner
Image of a testimonial from a HeartHealing Practitioner
Image of a testimonial from a HeartHealing Practitioner

Meet your HeartHealing Mastery guides

A monochrome headshot photo of Natasha Bray leaning against a tree and smiling

Natasha Leigh Bray

Natasha is founder of the School of Healing Mastery, a Multi-Award Winning Success Mastery Coach & Pioneer in the business success and healing industry. After overcoming her own chronic childhood trauma and abuse, she has committed to helping others heal themselves and others through Healing Mastery and her revolutionary and innovative therapeutic method, HeartHealing®.

With a professional background in specialist social work and almost 2 decades experience in transformational work, working with thousands of entrepreneurs across 104 countries worldwide her work has helped women break through to higher levels of love, inner peace, money and success in as little as one session. She has been featured in local and national papers and she is recognised as one of the most creative, innovative and leading entrepreneurs in her country.

Kirsty Wick

Kirsty is the Certification Supervisor and Lead HeartHealing® Therapist on Natasha's team. Kirsty is a highly experienced HeartHealing® therapist, trauma informed advanced hypnotherapist, tutor and supervisor. Kirsty works closely with Natasha delivering incredible HeartHealing® sessions and supporting the HeartHealing® Certification and all of our trainees and graduates to the highest level.

She made a lifelong commitment to understanding the mind and heart and how to resolve all blocks, fear, trauma and emotional issues following her own extremely abusive childhood. With a professional background in nursing, trained extensively in psychotherapy, advanced hypnotherapy and HeartHealing®, Kirsty has been helping clients since 2012 and teaching, training and supervising other therapists and healers since 2016.

Kirsty Wick

Are you one of the next 100 HeartHealers? We only certify max 100 people per year.

  • You want to feel like you can guarantee life-changing results every time.
  • You want to feel fluent in healing relational wounds of the heart.
  • You want to go deeper than mind-based methods are able to.
  • You want a certification with in depth training, personalised assessments, and detailed feedback.
  • You want safety to be prioritised throughout the experience.
  • You want to be guided by world-class experts in both healing and business.
  • You want to be deeply cared for during training and beyond.
  • You want to be part of the future of generational healing and create generational wealth for yourself and the world

The HeartHealing Certification was made for you!

If this is speaking to your soul... here are the next steps

Hearthealing logo in rose gold lettering placed next to a heart icon showing two H letters surrounded by a heart

Full Price £10,000


£5154 x 2 monthly instalments

 £1170 x 9 monthly instalments

 £926 x 12 monthly instalments

£654 x 18 monthly instalments

(Your investment includes the training fee and the first year of your annual licensing fee. Please see FAQ section for more information on yearly licensing fees after your initial year)

FULL INVESTMENT PRICE IS £10,000 (Pay in Full)

Our next cohort starts Monday 10th March 2025.

We have a recommended sale price of £250 per HeartHealing session and have graduates charging anything from £250 per session to 10k per package. The return on investment for the deep healing and business transformation, as well as the skills to get better results with your clients, is priceless.

When you click any of the links on this page, you’ll be taken to a short application form. This is to ensure the certification is an excellent fit both ways. There is no obligation to sign up if your application is accepted, though we of course hope you will! A member of the HeartHealing team will respond to your application within 48 hours.


Practitioner Results

A client of the HeartHealing certification, Cheryl Kasper, Cheryl has long blonde hair and blue eyes

HeartHealing™ is a revolutionary healing method that has truly changed my life, my clients lives and my business.

“I joined Natasha’s Certification to continue to work on myself and grow as a hypnotherapist. What I received was much more than I expected. Not only was I part of a group of women supporting each other, I gained knowledge and strategies to better work with my clients and to grow my business. When I learned her HeartHealing® Method I was blown away! I have been working on myself for many years and this technique is a total game changer. I was able to heal some deep rooted wounds in a way that other therapies couldn’t. The results my clients are having are nothing short of life changing.

HeartHealing™ is a revolutionary healing method that has truly changed my life, my clients lives and my business. I have been a psychotherapist for 25 years and one hour of HeartHealing healed wounds I hadn’t been able to reach before. If you are a hypnotherapist and are looking for powerful new strategies for healing, support, and strategies to growing your business, I absolutely recommend joining Natashas Mastermind.”

Cheryl Kasper
Hearthealing® Practitioner, Therapist and Founder at Womenpowerment

The ripple effect it has on your own life and then the impact that you can make for other people is amazing.

“Having experienced the power of HeartHealing® in Natasha’s Ultimate Uplevel Academy® I decided to sign up to the HeartHealing® Certification so I could share this transformative experience with others. I had no prior hypnotherapy or therapist qualifications and loved the fact I could fully train in HeartHealing® allowing me to become a fully trained therapist.

The only way I can describe what happened with the HeartHealing® Certification is a “dream come true”. I was able to heal my relationship with my father, I have an amazing relationship with my son full of rapport, banter and love, I’ve been able to vocalise my wants and needs better in relationships, and I now have a strong insight into childhood trauma and doing inner child work.

One of the things I love about HeartHealing® is the ripple effect it has on your own life and then the impact that you can make for other people is amazing. Every day, I'm becoming my higher self more and more and more. The things that I'm doing, the way I'm able to help people, the way I'm able to communicate how I look and how I see life now is just amazing.

Last week I sold £8k worth of HeartHealing® packages (out of the blue)!”

Andrea Corbett
Business Strategist & HeartHealing® Practitioner

Image of Andrea Corbett dressed in a gold top, smiling
A client of the HeartHealing certification Roxana Stanciuu, Roxana has shoulder-length brown hair and a fringe

The training offers insights into business, insights into marketing, insights into self-development.

“The healing that I experienced helped me integrate different parts of my stories that were hanging loose, helped me understand myself and my children on a completely different level. My kids are 38, 37 and 19.

It helped me deal with my relationships. It's helped me understand them better. So, the so-called, classic ripple effects were absolutely spectacular for me. My first HeartHealing client - It gives me shivers. Now, when I think about her. It started when she had gone through a massive grief. She had lost a child. She told me I turned her pain into love. It's healing on a very deeper level, on a multidimensional level.

I did think ‘what could I learn from a therapist 30 years younger than me?’ I see Natasha as an extremely experienced, knowledgeable and wonderful person guiding us all. The training itself is the deepest, most adaptable and most efficient training that I've been through for several reasons. It lasts for seven months. And then we have the access to the practitioners academy, but I can start using the method quite early into the program after I've qualified it into the first level. So, it's very, it's very efficient. You can start using it and you can start implementing it quite quickly. From another point of view, the training offers insights into business, insights into marketing insights, into self-development.

It helps a therapist, no matter how experienced you are. I have found enormous help in the way the training is organised. And in the way the information is presented, it's deep and simple.“

Roxana Stanciu
Clinical Hypnotherapist & HeartHealing® Practitioner


Doing Natasha’s course/ has been one of the best decisions I have made this year

For me this has been a journey of self-discovery and deep healing where I learned not only an amazing new Method but also how to create a successful business once qualified.

We learned and implemented many marketing, niching, writing and mindset tools from her and her team. I now have more engagement on my posts, writing my posts and pitching my 1:1s has become easier, bookings have increased but most of all the HeartHealing® method is amazing.

My clients' feedback and transformations have been phenomenal and I am so close to my first 5 figure month.

Natasha is an expert in her field and a true innovator, nothing has been left to chance. If you get a chance to work with Natasha or learn her HeartHealing® method, don’t hesitate, you will not regret it. This is more than your average course, it’s truly life changing. I’m coming to the end of level 2 and I am on track for a 10k month this month (I can’t believe I am saying that!).”

Intuitive Transformational Coach & Healer & HeartHealing® Practitioner

A client of the HeartHealing certification, Esmerelda, Esmerelda has long brown hair and stands on a beach

Imagine what this experience could do for you too?

Hearthealing logo in rose gold lettering placed next to a heart icon showing two H letters surrounded by a heart

Full Price £10,000


£5154 x 2 monthly instalments

 £1170 x 9 monthly instalments

 £926 x 12 monthly instalments

£654 x 18 monthly instalments

(Your investment includes the training fee and the first year of your annual licensing fee. Please see FAQ section for more information on yearly licensing fees after your initial year).

FULL INVESTMENT PRICE IS £10,000 (Pay in Full)

Our next cohort starts on Monday 10th March 2025.

We have a recommended sale price of £250 per HeartHealing session and have graduates charging anything from £250 per session to 10k per package. The return on investment for the deep healing and business transformation as well as the skills to get better results with your clients is priceless.

When you click any of the links on this page, you’ll be taken to a short application form. This is to ensure the certification is an excellent fit both ways. There is no obligation to sign up if your application is accepted, though we of course hope you will! A member of the HeartHealing team will respond to your application within 48 hours.


Frequently Asked Questions
