Meet Natasha Bray


Natasha Bray is an award winning coach, the Founder of the School of Healing Mastery and creator of the HeartHealing® Method.

With over 15 years experience in the transformational industry, she has been a catalyst in the healing of thousands of people worldwide individually and in groups to significantly transform them, their lives and their businesses. She has been recognised as an innovative leader in her field, is an international bestselling author and truly believes when women heal, we can heal the world.

When Natasha was just a child she went through things no child should ever have to go through. She experienced chronic childhood abuse - in every form, which led to her turning to food to numb her pain. After gaining a lot of weight almost overnight at the age of 10, she was then bullied through the rest of her childhood and teenage years at school, as well as abused outside of school. She threw herself into her studies - using achieving as a way of feeling worthy. Her addiction to food soon became an unhealthy addiction to exercise and work. She kept numbing her wounds as she didn’t know how to deal with them.

Her whole life it felt like something was missing. She didn’t realise it at the time, but she was searching for wholeness.

After graduating with a first class honours in Psychology and a Social Work Masters, she first found wholeness in helping others.

She knew she had found her purpose, but the truth was that focusing on helping others overcome their pain was an excuse to minimise her own.

It was only when she had her first child in 2016, she saw the world through the eyes of a mother for the first time and she could no longer hide from her past trauma and wounds. She had to heal - for her son, and for herself. She started training in different scientific modalities working with the subconscious mind and spiritual healing for her soul. In 2018, things started to shift.

But it wasn’t until she began working on the wounds of her heart that things really exploded.

Each time she healed another layer of her heart's wounding, she began to achieve and receive more than she ever thought possible.

A monochrome photo of Natasha Bray, her partner and son sat outside on a blanket with a picnic basket
A monochrome portrait photo of Natasha Bray walking on the grass with her son, she is wearing a white dress

And her client results became out of this world!


“According to quantum physics, your heart has an energetic frequency thousands of times stronger than your mind. So why are you still focussed on mindset when healing your heart is what makes you literally more magnetic?”

Natasha Bray


Between 2018 and 2021 she:

Grew a multi 7 figure business in the transformational industry

Went from single mum on benefits to a cash millionaire

Exploded her impact across 52 countries worldwide

Found lasting love with her soulmate

Donated tens of thousands to charitable causes

Became a bestselling author globally with her book, When Women Heal

Moved into her dream million pound home with a new addition to her family, another beautiful son

But most importantly - she found wholeness in herself - not in something outside of her. This allowed her to become the most powerful version of herself. She had made the transition from wounded healer to authentic leader.

In 2020 during the global pandemic she began teaching her HeartHealing® techniques to other therapists. The response blew her away. Psychotherapists, doctors, hypnotherapists with tens of years of experience claiming these were the most powerful techniques they had ever experienced for themselves and used with their clients. Until that moment she had always integrated it with other methods, so had no idea how powerful it was alone.

It was the ‘missing link’ to rapid and deep powerful healing that unlocked more love, inner peace, money and success for them and for those they used it with.

Because it was the missing link to wholeness.

Detailed pink line School of Healing Mastery logo featuring stars and a teepee design within a circle

One day, whilst walking alone she heard a voice loud and clear say “HeartHealing is your legacy.” and she knew she had to get it out into the world on a bigger scale. In 2021 the School of Healing Mastery was founded to help get this incredible method out there to more people and heal hearts across the world.

She lives her life to show others what is possible, no matter what you have been through, when you heal your heart. When you work with Natasha, she will take you deeper than you have ever been before to levels of inner freedom you have never felt before so that you too can be an authentic leader and bring this healing to others.

Find out more about becoming a HeartHealing® Practitioner now, and join Natasha Bray and her family of HeartHealers healing the world one heart at a time.