Healing Yourself to Boost your Business


As practitioners, we are sometimes guilty of neglecting our personal healing journeys. Many of us come into the role of a coach or therapist because of our own past experiences with trauma. This often gives us an insatiable drive to help others heal their wounds.


To us, this is not a job. This is a passion, a vocation and a labour of love. It is our purpose, and we are good at it.


But, do you want to know a secret? There is a difference between a good  healer, and a great healer.

A good healer is competent in their role and has a thorough understanding of the modalities they use.

A great healer is an expert in their field and can successfully blend modalities to suit the needs of the client.

A good healer is knowledgeable.

A great healer is wise.

A good healer is empathetic and feels the wounds of their clients.

A great healer is compassionate and takes reflective action based on the challenges their clients face.


So, what is the missing ingredient between a good healer and a great healer?

Our own healing.


By working on ourselves, we are removing blocks from our own subconscious and allowing ourselves to feel worthy of excelling in our career. We are able to take our clients deeper into their own healing journeys because we have done so ourselves. We become more open to receiving love, success and happiness and begin to attract our perfect clients with ease. Self-healing will result in huge shifts in all areas of your business. Here are the top five areas you will see the benefits:



Repeat after me, ‘setting boundaries isn’t selfish!’. In fact, it is essential.

By working on our own healing we begin to believe that we are worthy of protecting ourselves through setting clear boundaries with our clients. As a result, we protect ourselves from burnout therefore allowing us to be at our best for our clients.

Don’t want to work after 4pm? Then don’t! It isn’t always easy to set boundaries when we are passionate about what we do, but healing your own wounds will help with this process.



Believe in yourself and your client will believe in you, too.

Confidence in your own abilities as a healer has a huge part to play in the results your clients get. When you fully trust in capabilities, you will be able to tap into and follow your intuition with ease. 

Sessions will become perfectly tailored to each individual client, and you will have the ability to mould your practice as their needs adjust over time.



Ever heard the saying you can only take others as deep as you have gone yourself? I’ve found it to be very true.

The more I have healed myself, the deeper I have been able to take clients on their own journeys and the better the results they have had because of the insight I have had from my own healing and expansion. 



Say goodbye to comparing yourself to other healers and coaches!

How liberating would it be if you were to stop checking everyone else’s Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn profiles to see how much better than you they were? Imagine not giving a care in the world, and instead focussing all your powerful energy on your own practice instead? 

By shifting your focus back on your own business you are creating endless possibilities for growth.



You will begin to charge what you deserve to be paid!

How many times have you delivered mind-blowing, ground-breaking, universe-shifting sessions and thought ‘I should really be charging more for this!’, only to never get round to putting your prices up!? 

By healing yourself to boost your business, you will learn that your time is worth being paid for, and paid for well and you will have the courage to act upon it.



Does the thought of putting yourself out there make you want to hide even more?

Believe it or not, I used to feel the same way! It wasn’t until I became a bestselling co-author and was thrust into the spotlight at the book launch that I really started working on my own visibility fears. It has been a long journey, but I am no longer worried about what others will think of me and I act in alignment with my core values, beliefs and intuition.

And do you know what, since then, my business has exploded!


Making time for ourselves as healers doesn’t always come easily. We are so heavily focussed on the progress of our clients that we sometimes forget about ourselves, but as you can see, making that time will benefit not just our business successes, but our clients’ results, too.


Has this resonated with you? Head over to the ‘Personal HeartHealing® Journeys’ page to learn more about how our HeartHealing® method can support you grow yourself and your business.


Natasha Bray

Founder of the School of Healing Mastery & Master HeartHealer® Natasha is founder of the School of Healing Mastery, a Multi-Award Winning Success Mastery Coach & Pioneer in the business success and transformational industry. After overcoming her own chronic childhood trauma and abuse, she has committed to helping others heal themselves and others through her revolutionary and innovative therapeutic method, HeartHealing®. With a professional background in specialist social work and over 15 years experience in transformational work, working with thousands of entrepreneurs across 52 countries worldwide her work has helped women break through to higher levels of love, inner peace, money and success in as little as one session. She has been featured in local and national papers and she is recognised as one of the top 35 under 35 entrepreneurs in her country.